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Before doing the full moon meditation, it’s a great idea to get really clear and honest with yourself about what you would like to change in your life. Make a list of things, which you know you need to let go of.
As you say this, imagine each of the things, habits, people, behaviours or thought patterns that you wish to release, disappearing in the full and powerful light of this moon. See them dissolve, consumed, floating away into the infinite light of pure goodness. art and sincerely analyze where forgiveness needs to occur. You can go far into the past if you like and focus on as many or as few situations, people and relationships as you need.

When you feel satisfied with the lists that you have made, prepare yourself to get comfortable for meditation. If possible, practice this meditation on the very night of the full moon and if can outside, under its glowing beams. If that is not possible, it does not matter at all.

Your intention is the most powerful force here, and together with the full moon energy; meditation can be just as effective.

If you want you can light a candle, or some incense to create the mood. At the end of the meditation, if you like and if it’s safe to do so, you can burn a list of these thoughts or memories and tear them up in a symbolic act of release. You may sit comfortably in a chair or on a meditation cushion if you
have one. The most important thing is that you feel able to relax in a place you will be undisturbed. Now close your eyes and begin by taking some deep, slow and loving breaths in and out. Settle into the space around you. Feel the weight of your body on the floor. Feel the position of your hands in your lap or by your sides. Allow the natural pull of gravity to help you to relax and let go. Be here now.

As you inhale and exhale, relax your face and jaw. Allow your muscles to relax and let go of whatever you are holding on to. Put your worries and to-do lists aside for now. Be in the moment and trust in the light and powerful energy of the moon.

You can lightly scan through your body and just notice any places of tension that you may have. Allow them to be there, simply observe as you continue to breathe calmly. Now imagine a powerful white and silver light beaming down from above the crown of your head. This light has a pure, calm and loving energy that soaks through your entire being, filling you with light.

Now bring to mind that which you no longer want in your life. The things you wish to release that do not serve you. Allow them to linger for a moment in your minds eye. If you like you can visualize them as a color, or an object. See them floating in front of you.

Say out loud or in your mind, “I release you under the light of this sacred and magical full moon . I no longer need what does not serve or empower me.

You may do this one by one, for each of the burdens and obstacles you wish to surrender.
Say in your mind
I release this unworthiness
I release this doubt
I release this fear and anger
I release resentment
I release judgement
I release envy and comparisons
I release relationships that do not serve me
I release toxic people and situations

As you say this, imagine each of the things, habits, people, behaviour or thought patterns that you wish to release, diappearing in the full and powerful light of this moon. See the dissolve, consumed, floating away into the infinite light of pure goodness

You may take as long as you need to do this. Just visualize each things as it is released from your life and consumed by the burning,, powerful light of the silvery moon and its deep cleansing abilities. Feel the weight of each burden released. Fee light as a feather as you relax and let go.

You may repeat to yourself, this mantra:
“Under the light of this beautiful, powerful anf healing full moon I release you from my life with love. I forgive you and I forgive myself for past mistakes. Thank you for the lessons and how I release you.”

Feel yourself lifted and renewed as the toxic weight of all you have released disappears.

Now focus your mind towards a feeling of gratitude. Feel deep appreciation for all that you have and all that is yet to come into your life. You may set your intentions now for the month to come.

Say to yourself:
“I welcome all that is now coming to me for my highest good. I look forward to the clarity, peace, love, abundance and positivity that are heading my way. I give thanks for the blessings I recieve and rejoice
in their wonder.”

Now remain here, breathing comfortably and basking in the glow of knowing your intentions will be made manifest. Feel them now as if they already are present in your life. Stay here as long as you need
in the sensation of gratitude and appreciation. Whenever you are ready, bring yourself back to the room and open your eyes.

Full Moon Affirmations

I trust that I supported by the universe.
I release all lower vibrational frequencies and activate the river of joy that flows through me.
I allow myself to receive all that I desire.
I am surround by magic.
I am a powerful creator.
I have the power to attract anything I desire into my life.
I open myself to receive the abundance of opportunities that are flowing to me now.
I am aligned with the universe.
All that is not meant for me gently falls away with ease and grace.
I invite peace into my life.
I manifest all I need with ease.
I am luminous, radiant and bright.
I am full of endless potential.

By admin

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